This content has been moved to Best of 2008: Social Media Marketing on the Webbiquity blog. ***** technorati tags: social media, social bookmarking, social networking, Search Engine Marketing Exposed, Anthony Kirlew, OldSchool, Social Media Optimization, David Wilson, NxtERA Marketing Blog, Elana Anderson, CNET News, Brian R. Brown, SEO Scoop, DazzlinDonna, Dan Zarrella, Search Marketing Blog Online, Jon Clark, Mixx, Linkinn, MetaFilter, Elliance, evil nofollow links, Spokeo, Pandia Search Engine News, Phil Bradley, Spokeo, eBizMBA, Compete, Max Freiert tags: social media, social bookmarking, social networking, Search Engine Marketing Exposed, Anthony Kirlew, OldSchool, Social Media Optimization, David Wilson, NxtERA Marketing Blog, Elana Anderson, CNET News, Brian R. Brown, SEO Scoop, DazzlinDonna, Dan Zarrella, Search Marketing Blog Online, Jon Clark, Mixx, Linkinn, MetaFil...
Troy Malone
This is Mamod the Founder of, and I would like to comment on feedkiller review and it's caparison to Feedoor
You said what makes feedkiller standout is that you can select how many stories from each item you can select, well, Feedoor has that feature too :) and has a very advanced filtering options to include/exlude posts accordig keywords, author and date
Feedoor also has a javascript code to copy and paste in your website to ceate a widget of stories
Now my own opinion of what makes feedkiller standout is it's simplicity and straight forward interface where you can find your way very easily and create a combination of feeds with no effort, for that I really love feedkiller too :)
Thanks for the heads-up on Pelotronics! I will definitely check out, and who knows, it may make the Best Of list next year!
I appreciate the credit back to This post is world class and I enjoyed the read!
Glad you enjoyed the post, thanks for the positive words, and thanks also for the heads-up on ScribeFire.
You're welcome, it's noteworthy, and don't worry - I will!