A few weeks back, I wrote about the dichotomy of micromarkets and mass markets. On a recommendation from Tom Austin , I just read The Rule of Three -- a book which nicely ties together my musings on how small, focused companies can thrive in the shadow of industry giants. The Rule of Three, by Jagdish Sheth and Rajendra Sisodia, posits that over time, every industry comes to be dominated by three large generalists, with any number of small niche players also thriving. Examples abound: in athletic shoes, it's Nike, Adidas, and Reebok coexisting with specialists such as Saucony. In airlines, it's United, American, and Delta, with focused niche players like Southwest. Niche specialists thrive by earning high margins serving a small percentage of the overall market. Generalists focus on efficiently addressing the needs of a large share of the market. Niche companies that try to grow too fast, and generalists who fail to achieve critical mass, are in danger of falling into the...

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