Understandably, as businesses begin to invest more marketing/PR dollars into social media, there is great concern over the ROI of these activities . No company, big or small, can afford to spend scarce funds inefficiently, particularly in the current economic environment. So no matter how much "buzz" there is about the promise of social media marketing or how excited you may be about it, if it hasn't already happened, sometime very soon your boss or client is going to start asking you about the ROI of social media marketing. A fundamental problem with this of course is that all marketing ROI calculations are imprecise, at best. John Wanamaker 's observation that " “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half” is still (largely) true. Consider, for example, a tactic viewed by many marketers as extremely measurable: Google AdWords. I mean, it's all right there on your campaign management screen: how much you spent,...

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