Do you have something helpful to share with others interested in digital marketing? If so, WebMarketCentral wants to post your piece. Just write it up and send it with art for evaluation prior to it being approved for publishing. As a reward for sharing your tips and advice you will receive a backlink to your website. The current value of the link is below from Quidelines: Blog Post should be written to provide answers to questions that other marketers or small business have. Blog Posts should be about 700 words or more. The piece must be spelled checked and if reference data is provided it must be attributed and linked to the original piece. Do not try to load the price with links to your properties. More Details will follow shortly. Mike Bannan

Digital Marketing Blog of Tips, tricks, tool, resources and hacks from across the globe A marketing portal for web marketing, B2B lead generation and marketing, social media, business blogging tools, micromarkets, interactive PR, and web marketing tools and resources.