Since Brian Carroll at the B2B Lead Generation Blog tagged me for this, I guess I'll play. For what it's worth, here are eight random things about me: 1. I think Boston is the greatest rock n' roll band ever. 2. Speaking of music, my trivia expertise is one-hit wonders from the 80s. 3. My mother wanted me to be a priest. 4. I have four brothers. We've all owned our own businesses at one time or another (financial services, trailer manufacturing, wholesale supplies, painting, and marketing consulting in order from oldest to youngest). 5. My undergraduate degree was in industrial engineering. I'm an efficient marketer. 6. I graduated second in my class in MBA school at the University of Minnesota. I would have been first in my class, but I got a B in, of all things, Marketing Management. 7. My wife is named Jolene. Dolly Parton released an album in 1974 titled "Jolene. " The engineer on that album was...Tom Pick (no relation). How spooky is...

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