Looking for help with your Web 2.0 development and marketing efforts? Check out these valuable resources. First, the helpful folks at the FontShop have assembled an extensive compilation of Web 2.0 typeface, logo, design and website examples. As they point out with regard to Web 2.0 design, "There is no official standard for what makes something 'Web 2.0', but there certainly are a few tell-tale signs...characteristic among these brands is their appearance. Web 2.0 sites nearly always feel open and friendly and often use small chunks of large type. The colors are bright and cheery — lots of blue, orange, and what we jokingly call the Official Color of Web 2.0: lime green." Many of the sites are also, not surprisingly, Web 2.0-related; blogging, tagging, photo sharing etc. They also link to Ludwig Gatzke 's even larger Web 2.0 logo collection here . Second is InfoPirate's Search Engine for Social Bookmark Services . This listing of 53 social bookmark sites ( ...

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