Following up on my last post, there were just too many excellent newsletter articles and blog posts on SEO last year to fit them all into one post, so here are more of the best bits of SEO guidance from 2007. 5 Rules of Social Media Optimization (SMO) by Buzz Marketing for Technology Ãœber-blogger and podcaster Paul Dunay provides five unconventional tactics for improving search engine rank, such as adding social bookmark site buttons to web pages, making content portable (e.g. video, audio files and PDFs) and encouraging mashups. Traits of a Great SEO Client: Commitment by Small Business SEM Marchex SEO pro Scott McGee writes about the client side of the SEO relationship, list the traits that help a client work successfully with an outside SEO firm, starting with commitment—the willingness to be fully involved in the entire process. The Alternative Search Engine of the Year, 2007! by Alt Search Engines Blogger Charles Knight rates the top 10 alternatives to G-Y-M on several fact...

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