Although Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search Marketing remain the gorillas of online advertising, there are a considerable number of alternatives for generating exposure and clicks. Here the top Internet ad network alternatives: Chitika Serves up mini-malls and guided shopping services through a large network (10,000+) of websites and blogs. Strictly B2C. Search, behavioral, and database marketing services for online advertisers. Now owned by AOL. 24/7 RealMedia Web advertising and search marketing through a diverse network of consumer, business and media sites. Primarily B2C, but can provide brand exposure for broad-market B2B advertisers as well. Commission Junction Affiliate marketing and managed search advertising for B2C retailers. Owned by ValueClick. Kanoodle Runs search ads on a network of search engines such as CNET's, Mamma, WebCrawler and Dogpile. Suitable for B2C or B2B advertisers. ValueClick Provides online display advertisin...

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