Podcasts and Blogs Can Help Improve Brand Strategy
In the conversation about brand strategy, it is important to remember that we are focused on the consumer needs, emotions, and the competitive environment itself, more than numbers, data, and chart, at least, on the outside. Data is a different end of things. With brand strategy, we are concerned with how to reach specific goals by connecting with the consumers as people.
Two incredibly powerful tools in the improvement of brand strategy, the blog and the podcast, have increased drastically in popularity and have become a regular inclusion in the talk of digital marketing. With both mediums, there is unlimited potential for human connection with an on-demand audience.
Blogs are, by nature, informal and conversational, and as such, they quickly draw attention to particular topics and businesses by adding a human touch. Blogging puts heavy emphasis on writing creatively and contributing useful information to a specific market.
What are the benefits of blogging?
Since blogs generally have a single administrator or are run by a small group of people, it is easy to develop an air of expertise. This is quite valuable about reputation management. Once you establish yourself as an expert on the topic, people want to return to see what else you have to say, or what additional information you can teach them about the issue.
Blogs establish a relationship, which appears to be one-on-one, between the writer and potentially each member of the target audience. This kind of content marketing can assist with brand strategy because emotions and relationships are prime components of such strategies.
Essentially, blogs are valuable because they help to build connections between the target audience and the blogger, they establish the blogger as an expert, and they entice the target audience to come back for more - and possibly to bring friends, too!
Podcasts share some of the traits of blogs. They are intended for a target audience and work to build relationships. They are conversational and informative, and the podcaster is established as an expert. Thus people want to return for more information from this particular person.
While blogging involves written content, podcasting depends upon audio and video files that are downloaded on-demand. They are a form of social media marketing that does not necessarily rely on the written word.
One drawback of this type of communication is the ease with which the listener can tune out or turn it off.
That's why it's best to keep in mind that every second is precious. If people feel like their time is being wasted, they will not continue listening and will move on to something else.
Craftsmanship is an incremental aspect in blogging and podcasting and is essential in digital marketing. Entertainment value is a huge consideration with the podcast. One of the goals is to make the podcast part of the target audience's routine. The frequency with which they return is directly related to the strengthening of relationships and the improvement of brand strategy.
Podcasts should work to educate, inform, inspire, and entertain. When you keep the audience wanting more, they will return for it. On the other hand, if they become disinterested or unimpressed, they are apt to tune out and never come back.
An effective strategy for maintaining the audience's attention in podcasting is to make use of interviews to add depth. Listening to a lecture is rarely as alluring as listening in on a personal conversation between two individuals. Regarding the points about personal and human connections, interviews make the listener feel like they are part of a private conversation, thus connected to what they are hearing.
Improvement of Brand Strategy
When it comes to improving brand strategy, a primary goal is to make a connection with the target audience. By establishing a sense that the listener or reader is part of a one-on-one relationship within a podcast or blog, we help the audience make personal connections to the brand, which spells success for our strategies.
In the conversation about brand strategy, it is important to remember that we are focused on the consumer needs, emotions, and the competitive environment itself, more than numbers, data, and chart, at least, on the outside. Data is a different end of things. With brand strategy, we are concerned with how to reach specific goals by connecting with the consumers as people.
Two incredibly powerful tools in the improvement of brand strategy, the blog and the podcast, have increased drastically in popularity and have become a regular inclusion in the talk of digital marketing. With both mediums, there is unlimited potential for human connection with an on-demand audience.
Blogs are, by nature, informal and conversational, and as such, they quickly draw attention to particular topics and businesses by adding a human touch. Blogging puts heavy emphasis on writing creatively and contributing useful information to a specific market.
What are the benefits of blogging?
Since blogs generally have a single administrator or are run by a small group of people, it is easy to develop an air of expertise. This is quite valuable about reputation management. Once you establish yourself as an expert on the topic, people want to return to see what else you have to say, or what additional information you can teach them about the issue.
Blogs establish a relationship, which appears to be one-on-one, between the writer and potentially each member of the target audience. This kind of content marketing can assist with brand strategy because emotions and relationships are prime components of such strategies.
Essentially, blogs are valuable because they help to build connections between the target audience and the blogger, they establish the blogger as an expert, and they entice the target audience to come back for more - and possibly to bring friends, too!
Podcasts share some of the traits of blogs. They are intended for a target audience and work to build relationships. They are conversational and informative, and the podcaster is established as an expert. Thus people want to return for more information from this particular person.
While blogging involves written content, podcasting depends upon audio and video files that are downloaded on-demand. They are a form of social media marketing that does not necessarily rely on the written word.
One drawback of this type of communication is the ease with which the listener can tune out or turn it off.
That's why it's best to keep in mind that every second is precious. If people feel like their time is being wasted, they will not continue listening and will move on to something else.
Craftsmanship is an incremental aspect in blogging and podcasting and is essential in digital marketing. Entertainment value is a huge consideration with the podcast. One of the goals is to make the podcast part of the target audience's routine. The frequency with which they return is directly related to the strengthening of relationships and the improvement of brand strategy.
Podcasts should work to educate, inform, inspire, and entertain. When you keep the audience wanting more, they will return for it. On the other hand, if they become disinterested or unimpressed, they are apt to tune out and never come back.
An effective strategy for maintaining the audience's attention in podcasting is to make use of interviews to add depth. Listening to a lecture is rarely as alluring as listening in on a personal conversation between two individuals. Regarding the points about personal and human connections, interviews make the listener feel like they are part of a private conversation, thus connected to what they are hearing.
Improvement of Brand Strategy
When it comes to improving brand strategy, a primary goal is to make a connection with the target audience. By establishing a sense that the listener or reader is part of a one-on-one relationship within a podcast or blog, we help the audience make personal connections to the brand, which spells success for our strategies.