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Search Engine Optimization Today in 2017 vs. SEO From 2007

Search Engine Optimization in 2017 vs. SEO in 2007
Today, 10 years ago, search engines were not as smart as they are in 2017. Algorithm changes have been occurring regularly and are still occurring due to companies like Google pushing out new updates and features for their search engine. This will only make the quality of search results better for the end users.

Additionally, you need to realize that progress doesn't stop. By 2020, techniques that are effectively used by SEO enthusiasts in 2017 will either be  repetitive or essential. They can build updates on it, or they will be expelled in the entirety.

Keeping up is key, but there's a difference between learning and application too.

So, here is a list of Search engine optimization changes in 2017 that were either not present in 2007 or features that were not as optimized (updated).

Optimized Mobile Experience

In this year alone, Google has started implementing several upgrades that will make mobile experience a very important factor for ranking. You should know that this update has been an obvious path that any and all SEO experts have been waiting for.

10 years ago, the mobile experience was not given much attention unlike with PCs that were the most popular at the time, but now that more than 60% of web searches originate from mobile devices, it was more than obvious that they would choose to give mobile browsing, its due credit.


You have to be original, or it is going to be difficult for you to survive. In this year, to prevent content spamming, Google, for example, has implemented an update that has a psyche of its own.

Its job is to restrict spammed and plagiarized content from the front page. Also, it's the same for the various pages after that. The competition was already there, but this update has kicked it up another notch.

So, in order to create SEO rich content, originality in any and all forms of writing is heavily favored by the new Google update.


Evidently, any website with a buffed up security framework in place gets ranked higher on SERP. Since user security is important for any site that requests personal information from users. Google has always championed the cause of the users, and this makes perfect sense as you don’t want to visit a site that can compromise your personal or financial data.

Amazon and eBay are prime examples of this. They get higher positioning on SERP because of the security they offer their users (unlike in 2007). So, obviously, Google (as an example) will recommend Amazon because they want to protect user interests.

Good answers!

Google currently wants you to provide rich answers on your websites. If you provide the audience with specific and relevant answers, your ranking on SERP will improve since you're providing users with exactly what they need and want.

Clearly, unlike in 2007 where users had to sieve through information to get answers or people could get away with keyword stuffing. Google now values what we view, and in their chase to provide excellent user experience, this algorithm update makes a great case for user experience.


As far as web sites are concerned, caching can be used to improve your ranking. Since Google favors sites with quick load time. So based on the possibility that you can appropriately utilize caching as an asset to accomplish such load times, there will be a good chance that your website will rise in SERP positioning.

How this Affects Digital Marketing in Philadelphia, USA

The changes above are not the only ones that have been implemented by search engines. These are just some of the most important ones.

If you’re looking to increase the search engine rankings of your business, you should be looking at agencies which are up to date with the latest trends in SEO. Results Driven Marketing is the perfect agency for you! Give us a call at 215-393-8700 to find out how we can help you improve your search engine rankings and bring in more traffic.


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